Morning Ruminations: The Instinct to Work

I used to think that I hate work. I’d clock-in first thing in the morning, still groggy from dragging myself out of bed at some unholy hour, then spend the day watching the clock, bored out or my mind, begging for quitting time to get here sooner. Then I’d go to bed that evening dreading the fact that I’d have to start it all again in the morning. Weekends were the only thing that I had to look forward to.

However, I’ve come to realize…

Back in the Cave: Greed

4 .36 million years. At a rate of 20 per hour, 40 hours per week, 52 weeks per year, and assuming that you didn’t spend a penny of your income on frivolous things like food, or rent, or taxes, that is how long you would have to work in order to acquire a net worth equal to that of…

Morning Ruminations: Paradigm Shifts

The human mind isn’t well equipped to deal with major paradigm shifts. Imagine if the new generation suddenly decided that blue is really green. In your mind, it will always be blue. That’s why…

Back in the Cave: What are Instincts?

Since the earliest days of recorded history, mankind has been engaged in a love affair with our own self destructive behaviors. So much so that…